Projects Browser - Pard Engine Editor
After the Splash Screen, it's arrived the time to design and implement the next part of the Pard Engine Editor, the Projects Browser.
The Projects Browser has been designed to create new projects and load the existing ones.
It features a new custom window, created with illuxUI, where the entire native window frame of the operating system (title bar included) is completely replaced with a custom one.
In particular OSs like Windows, it is also possible to activate the snap feature by dragging the window at the screen boundaries.
The browser also includes a menu on the left, that should allow the user to access the various tabs of the application, like "Open Project" Tab, "New Project" Tab and so on.
The next steps to do are to design and implement the tabs just mentioned.
Further work has been done behind the scenes to handle the various subsystems of Pard Engine.
That's all for now, folks!
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